• Image of The Drink the Devil and the Dance ~ CD

In retrospect it's obvious that horror and country music go together like peas and carrots - it just took Graveyard Train to show us. Utilising unorthodox old timey instruments and a six part baritone 'wall of men' vocal delivery the Graveyard Train have created a unique sound and an equally unique way to deliver it.
The Drink The Devil & The Dance makes foot stomping, chain smashing, hell raising antics seems to be something everyone can relate to.


1. Devils Drum
2. Bit By A Dog
3. Mummy
4. The Bones Do The Work
5. Run Billy Run
6. Lay To The West
7. The Ferry Man
8. Even Witches Like To Go Out Dancing
9. Lets March Boys
10. Ghost Train
11. A Tall Shadow
12. Funeral
13. Lovers Leap

Released July 2010